Rose of Sharon Sermon Church Flyer CD Template

Rose of Sharon Sermon Church Flyer CD Template is geared towards usage in any Contemporary Church Event. The template is perfect for events dealing with love, Jesus, Marriage, Covenant, etc. Use it for bible study, sermons, conventions or just about any event that needs a classic, eye-catching flyer. In this package, you’ll find 5 Photoshop files. Postcard, Jewel Case CD Cover, and a Bonus Event Ticket. All layers in the files are arranged, color-coded and simple to edit. A great value.

1 – 8.5×5.5 Church Flyer Template
1 – CD label and Insert Template
(Also Available In A Bundle Save Up to 30%)
1 – 4×3 Photoshop Rose of Sharon Sermon Church Ticket Template

Fonts Used:

Burgues Script:
Adobe Caslon:
Veronika LT Std:


Tickets can be numbered and perforated by your offset printshop. Numbering can also be done with an Automatic Numbering Stamp (self-inking numbering machine). Here is an example of one

About The Artwork:

The Rose of Sharon was a special flower in Palestine, it’s beauty is a reflective of God’s glorious nature (I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys. ~ Song of Solomon 2:1) and His love for us. This rose is said to have had many color variations. The Hibiscus flower is sometimes called the Rose of Sharon and there are also many color variations of that flower. – This played a role in my thought process while designing this piece.